The Pirate Next Door

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The book The Pirate Next Door was written by author Here you can read free online of The Pirate Next Door book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Pirate Next Door a good or bad book?
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As she had feared, the warm contentment left his eyes and they became fixed, hard and glittering.
“He what?” His voice was low, savage, more frightening than if he had shouted. “When?”
“This afternoon. In my house.”
He sat up abruptly, lifting her from him and shoving her onto the empty space at the end of the chaise. He rose to his feet and stood over her, naked, every muscle in his body tense. “He came to you.”
She nodded wordlessly. She clutched her crumpled bodice to her bare breasts.
“You l him in?” he asked, his voice deadly quiet.
She shook her head. “He just appeared. He tricked my maid into admitting him. I ought to scold her, but I don’t have the heart.”
He swung away from her and marched to the door. Still naked, he yanked it open and bellowed into the hall. “Jacobs!”
In a few short moments, she heard booted feet on the stairs, and then Mr. Jacobs appeared in the doorway. He betrayed no surprise to see his captain standing there nude, or Alexandra sitting on the chaise, clutching her bodice to her breasts.

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