The Potato Plant Its Uses And Properties Together With the Cause of the Presen

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The Potato Plant Its Uses And Properties Together With the Cause of the Presen
Alfred Smee
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Aphis of the hop (376). Aphis of the cabbage and turnip (377). Aphis of the pea (378). Instance of mischief by [Kirby] (379). Bean aphis (380). Apple-tree aphis (381). Sugar-cane (382). Aphis of larch (383). Rose-tree aphis (384). Aphis on couch-grass (385). Aphides generally (386). ' (375. ) THE species comprised in the family " Aphides" are a sad pest to the human race. It is quite uncertain how many there are, * for abstract science is so little ap- preciated, so little cared for or encourag...ed, that few can afford to spend their time in watching an Aphis ; and thus, when great calamities come, men see not the cause, because they know not the insect.
(376. ) The Aphis of the hop lives upon the leaves of that plant, and does so much damage, that in bad years its ravages will cause a reduction in the value of hops pro- duced in Great Britain amounting to very near 3, 000, 0007. Sterling. This year the insects threatened to destroy th e crop, but suddenly a thunder storm swept every one of them from the face of the plantations, and so thoroughly were they annihilated, that when I sent to Kent to procure some specimens of this species, I received answer that there were none to be found.

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