The Practical Physics of the Modern Steam Boiler

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The Practical Physics of the Modern Steam Boiler
F J Frederick John Rowan
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A later arrangement, introduced by Messrs. Conrad Knap and Co. , having bent pipe connections between the various box castings instead of the American bracket-shaped hollow castings afore- said, is shown in Figs. 187, 188 and 189. A description of the boilers fitted in the " Birkenhead " and " Malta " was given by Mr. J. Fortescue Flannery in a paper " On Water-tube Boilers " in Trans. Inst. N. A. , 1876 (Vol. Xvii. , p. 259).
This boiler, as well as the one next to be referred to, has a modifi
...ed arrangement of the coupling " in parallel, " inas- much as there are not headers common to all the tubes at either end of these, but a number of small pas- sages formed by box castings or the like, by means of which the steam and water are passed from tube to tube, or zig-zagged upwards.
Howard's "Barrow" Boiler. The horizontal tube boiler introduced by Messrs. J. And F. Howard in 1866, which FIG. 185. Was afterwards called the " Barrow sectional boiler, " was described in one form by Mr. David Joy to the Iron and Steel Institute in 1875 (see Vol.

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