The Presence of God a Peoples Prosperity a Sermon Preached in Sunday Morning

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But how many? What proportion in numbers must believers bear to unbelievers, in order to season the lump, to be as salt to the commonwealth, or as pillars to bear up the land? We cannot tell, otherwise than by consulting the history of the past, and especially the dealing of God with one ancient nation, that seemed to have been chosen from others, not only as the visible Church, but as a political organization, to display in their annals the dis- pensation, according to which he will deal with ...bodies politic while the world endures. In the life of the great father of that nation, we learn that it requires few, very few " righteous men, " to avert, for a time, the fiery judgments of heaven. The cities of the plain might have escaped a while longer, if but ten genuine saints, among all the thousands of Sodom, could have been found. But more faith, obviously, is required to conciliate the favour of God, than to procure his forbear- ance. A greater proportion of true believers is needed to secure for a nation, benign and all-prospering Providence, than to stay the avenging arm of Jehovah, and obtain for her a lengthened respite from the utmost execution of his wrath.

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The Presence of God a Peoples Prosperity a Sermon Preached in Sunday Morning
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