The Proceedings And Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science

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The Proceedings And Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science
Nova Scotian Institute of Science
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The engineer, then, with the help of the plan and profile, and a fine silk thread, laid down roughly the best grades possible between the most abrupt points on profile, and dotted on the plan the line which would give the least cut or fill for this grade. • Digitized by Google RAILROAD LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION — MACKENZIE. 113 Next the location was plotted on the plan, keeping as near to the dotted line as the limiting curves and grades would allow. Notes were then written on a slip of paper a
...nd sent back by the boy to the chief of the locating party. They would read somewhat as follows : " From Sta. 40 measure at right angles to the right, 36 ft. and fix a point. Then go to Sta. 45, measure 50 feet to the right, at right angles, and set up the transit here. Sight back to first point, run tangent to Sta. 65 of location. Then put in a 5° curve to right, to Sta. 75-1-50. Then run tangent to 80-1-40, and put in a 4° curve to left, etc.
By this means the engineer tept both parties hard at work, and, with the help of a saddle-horse, the box and the boy, did the necessary exploratory^ work ahead of the preliminary party, as well as making an occasional visit to the locating party.

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The Proceedings And Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science
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