The Reign of the Prince of Peace

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The Reign of the Prince of Peace
Mccartney, Richard Hayes
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Now Sin and Death have strange control, But in The Coming time will HE Unravel all Life s mystery, And show why HE permitted Sin A little time of triumph win Then all things will be clear and plain And we shall say: " Twas not in vain!" Till then, O Soul, put hands on lips Nor suffer Faith to have eclipse, Trust HIM and put in His thine hand Shape thy desire to His command And all thine Earthly suffering Will make of Thee a Priest and King. ) Now could the Ancient Mockers see Fulfilled Isaiah s
... prophecy, The Scientist, and Hoary Sage Of eld laughed at CHRIST S Golden age THE REIGN OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE IO7 Their volumes, and their lectures smiled, With pity on this simple child Of Israel s youth they held as vain The simple language of his strain.
They held to nature s sterner law That nature fashioned beak and claw To rend and break, to clutch, to tear, And that the victim s wild despair Appointed to that direful end, That birds did pluck, that beast did rend, Because that nature made them so To fill the world with death and woe Survival of the Fittest shown The Universal Law alone.

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