The Relation of Sydnam Poyntz, 1624-1636

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The Relation of Sydnam Poyntz, 1624-1636
Sydenham Poyntz
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a Scotch man having gotten notice of the Duke of Hessens coming to succour hym and at hand, and the other side not dreaming of any Adversary nere, sallyed out of the Towne, beat the Imperialists out of their Trenches, having on the other side and hee on the ' See note 4 on p. 84.
' Speerreuter. There is again some confusion in language.
' A useless lacuna : there is nothing to be supplied.
RELATION OF SYDENHAM POYNTZ 123 other, killed & drowned in the River of Mume ' as good as f ower thousand
...and levelled all their workes.
Duke Hessen victualed the Towne for a yeare and put in fresh souldiers. So soone as the Imperialists heard this presentlv they sent felt Marshall Gots with an Army of 14000 men into the Duke of Hessen his Country againe, and there tooke in one Towne after an other beating his forces at every turne. Hee seeing hymself in this distresse repented hymself of his former foolery, yet having not lost all heart left his chief Towne called Cassell (where hee left his Wife also) as well stored with provision and Souldiers for a siege as his short tyme would give hym leave, and departed bidding her bee of good cheere for hee would leave Malander * his Generall behinde hym who joyning with the Swevish forces who lay in the stift ' Breame about the River of Vessure * and hee hymself would ship away presently for Holland and get some new supply of men which joyning with Malander & the Sweves would quickly relieve her out of that distresse, and whither certainely hee went, for I found hym in Roterdam when I was there in October* last and at Gravesende I met two of his Sonnes comming about some such suites as I thinke to our King leaving his Wife besieged.

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