If logic were any part of a politician's equipment this position would be untenable, since only the Unionists profess to regard themselves as Colonials. The Nationa- 39 lists assert that Ireland is a nation, but they act as if she were a colony, thereby adding to the incongruity of their revolt against partici- pation in a war which they have supported and declared to be just. But happily only their illogical opponents insist upon the logical weakness of the position, as is the practice in poli...tics, where the beam in the eye of one party never interferes with its perception of the mote in the eye of the other. Their respective constituents are quite satisfied. Sinn Fein, on the other hand, rejects con- temptuously the theory of inexpediency (while admitting the fact), and prefers to deal with the Britisher in excelsis, whose proposal is felt to be a declaration of war by one nation against another. The failure of England to regard the Republican army of 191 6 as military prisoners of war is not felt to be a weak link in the logic of this reasoning — a very human exhibition of that political blindness to which reference has been made.
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