The Secret of the Andes a Romance

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The Secret of the Andes a Romance
F Friedrich Hassaurek
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" Yes, my friend, " she continued, 'among the loftiest cliffs of our giant mountains, in those lonely heights where almost all vegetation ceases even there, you will now and then find, hidden under the snow, a beautiful flower, placed there as if to remind the daring traveler that there are other scenes brighter and happier than the dreary solitude of the wilderness. I shall look upon my love for you as the sad and lonely flower that grows under the snows of Chimbo- razo or Antisana, a forlorn ...hope, an outpost of a friendlier zone, inaccessible to me a misplaced little unfortunate, that has no right to exist amidst the howling storms and under the chilling snows. I shall say : l My life is the mountain wilderness, the loneliness of the Paramo, with its fogs and hurricanes, with its icy rocks and sands. The flower of love is there, hidden under the snow, but it blooms in vain. No human eye greets it, no friendly hand will pluck it, no loving bosom will receive it. ' " CHAPTEE XII.

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