The Selfless Sister

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Stumbling, Lucinda reflected upon how easy it was to scramble over a slab of limestone rock when the sun was shining, and how difficult in the dead of night when the friendly path transformed itself into a dark trail full of perilous obstacles. She was well aware that the murky objects hulking overhead were nothing more than the trees she hardly noticed in the daytime. But now, in the pitch black night, despite what her common sense told her, they loomed like shapeless, unnamed monsters, ready t...o pounce. Not even a friendly bird call. The birds that filled the day with joyful chirping had long since gone to sleep. Only the hooting of an owl pierced the stillness, along with the occasional eerie whispering of a breeze stirring the trees. For Alethea’s benefit, Lucinda tried her best to act confident as she walked ahead on the narrow path, carrying one of the two small portmanteaus Alethea had packed. She tripped on something—heaven knew what, and nearly fell.
    From behind her, Alethea whispered anxiously, “Are you all right?”

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