The Soldiers Right to Vote Who Opposes It Who Favors It

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The Soldiers Right to Vote Who Opposes It Who Favors It
William E William Eaton Chandler
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Fenton, the standifrd bearers ofUnioa, Liber y, and Law?
The action of those few States where the Democratic party have had majorities in the legislatures, is especially conclusive as to the hostility of the McClellan Pendleton party to the soldiers' light to vote. The session of the New Jei8-y legislature in the spring of 1864, was besieged with petitions presented by Union members, and f-igned by over thirty-seven tkousand citizens, asking for the passage of a S' Mier's voting law
.... A care- lolly prepared bill was presented and advocated by the Uni'-n members. The Gopperliead mnjoriiy of the Committee on E'ections reported against the bid. The minority report of Messrs. Jacob Birdsall and Wi Ham A. Haa- ©ook, Unionistfl, stated most ©Icquently and forcibly the reasons why the Wll should pass.
April 6, 1864. The bill was killed by the following vote: Union, yea» 1^ ; Democratic, nays 31 ; among which were the vote of Thomas Dunn English, a notorious northern rebel, and Daniel Corey, who has been hn- piisoned in Fort Lafayette for treasonable p' actices.

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