The Stiff Upper Lip

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Neither, I guess, did Dédé Delatour. The thing was: I had nothing by way of compensation. Whereas Dédé Delatour had me.
I had plenty of time to think about the injustice of this, that long night in his dungeon. At least during the early parts of it. After a while, I didn’t think about much of anything.
A word about the well-heeled blonde, though. She was born Merchadier, and if the name means nothing to you, to the average Parisian it’s as familiar as his morning croissant. Valérie’s father was
...just the latest in a long line of Maîtres Merchadiers who have pleaded before the French bar, with consistent success and celebrity and, in the case of Valérie’s father, a penchant for unpopular causes. Valérie’s mother was a Yankee beauty who’d surfaced in Paris after the war and stayed long enough to find a husband, bear a child, and win a handsome alimony settlement which, in the time-honored way of Yankee beauties, she’d subsequently cashed in for a title. Valérie grew up, thusly, on the estate of a Scottish laird.

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