The Strange Story of Ahrinziman

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The book The Strange Story of Ahrinziman was written by author Here you can read free online of The Strange Story of Ahrinziman book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Strange Story of Ahrinziman a good or bad book?
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"Who was the man?" I asked myself, as a chill suspicion gathered in my heart. "Who was it? His figure was like my own. Surely the mirror showed me Zuleika as she would receive me a few hours hence. That evil smile was not hers; it was born of the evil atmosphere of this room, which tainted all I beheld in it. Zuleika could never look like that ! It was a false libel on her ! And yet again, who was the man? Was it myself? " As if in answer to me, the man turned his head, and I saw the face was n...ot my face, but the King's. In my furious anger I dashed the mirror upon the ground, and stamped upon it with the iron-shod heels of my sandals, till I had ground it into a thousand pieces, crying out that it was a false and lying mirror, a cheating worthless reflector of the unseen things. And as I stormed and raved in my passion I seemed to see a phan tom form rise up and glide along the wall towards me, and the face as it turned to me was the face of the dead Jelal-ud-din hin> self. Not the face as I had known it in life, but as I had known it in death, distorted and horrible.

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