The Three Dorset Captains At Trafalgar Thomas Masterman Hardy Charles Bullen

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, G. C. B. , Governor of that Establishment, eminent for that judgment and self possession without which deeds of honour and arms are seldom achieved, perpetually awake to the various duties of his command, anxious for the improvement of the service to which he had devoted himself, equal to every difficulty which it could present, yet not above its most trivial details, detecting with intuitive facility whatever might require correction, and applying the due remedy, passing readily from the sha...rpest reproof to the very gentleness of human nature in her best forms; ahvav's mindful of those who shared with him the toils and iperils of warfare, or were otherwise deserving of encouragement. Sir Thomas Hardy will descend to posterity as one of the truest models in that profession to which the State is so much indebted for its securit)-, its wealth, and its renown. " R. H. G.
2 is/ Sept. 1839.
As Sir T. M. Hardy left no son, the baronetcy died with him. From Greenwich Hospital his widow and unmarried daughters removed to 3 ' Chester Square, where they took up their abode ; and thence Lady Hardy writes, five months later, the following letter to Mr Joseph Hardy, her brother-in-law :— 3 Chester Square, February 2^th^ 1840.

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