The Tithe in Scripture; Being Chapters From "the Sacred Tenth" With a Revised Bibliography On Tithe-Paying And Systematic And Proportionate Giving

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The Tithe in Scripture; Being Chapters From "the Sacred Tenth" With a Revised Bibliography On Tithe-Paying And Systematic And Proportionate Giving
Lansdell, Henry, 1841-1919
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Warning against Covetousness. In Sermons on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1878, by the Monday Club, Henry Hoyt, Boston, 1878 263. Key to the Situation. General Missionary and Tract Com- mittee. Elgin, III., U.S.A.
264. Kidder, Charles. The Systematic Giver. S.T.G., Toronto, 1886 265. Kilpatrick, J. H. Liberal Giving : How to Secure It. No. 42.
266. King, 0. A. The Use of Money. Students and the Missionary Problem, p. 160.
Student Volunteer Missionary Union, London, 1900 A BIBLIOGR
...APHY ON TITHE-PA YING 267. Langdon, WiUiam Cliaim6y. Reform in Church Finance.
Reprinted from American Church Review^ October, 1883.
E. and J. B. Young & Co., Cooper Union, Fourth Avenue, New York City, 1884 268. Langford, William S. Christian Beneficence: Its Motive, Measure, and Method.
Thomas Whittaker, 2 & 3, Bible House, New York City 269. Lansdell, Henry. Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. London, iS^s 270. ^The Sacred Tenth ; or. Studies in Tithe-giving Ancient and Modem. 2 vols. 16 shillings.

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