The Treasure

Cover The Treasure
The Treasure
Selma Lagerlcf
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Sir Philip and Sir Reginald walked one on each side of her. Theysmiled at one another and thought that nothing could be easierthan to delude Elsalill.
Elsalill was in great haste; she almost ran down the lane. SirPhilip and Sir Reginald had to take long strides to keep up withher.
But as Elsalill was making such haste to reach the inn, somethingbegan to roll before her feet. It seemed to have been thrown downin front of her, and she nearly stumbled over it.
"What can it be that rolls on and on
...before my feet?" thoughtElsalill. "It must be a stone that I have kicked from the groundand sent rolling down the hill. " She was in such a hurry to reach Sir Archie that she did not likebeing hindered by the thing that rolled close before her feet. Shekicked it aside, but it came back at once and rolled before herdown the lane.
Elsalill heard it ring like silver when she kicked it away, andshe saw that it was bright and shining.
"It is no common stone, " she thought. "I believe it is a coin ofsilver.

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