The Untamed Mackenzie

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Fellows couldn’t force his gaze from her, even though Eleanor was also rising, coming toward him, a smile on her face. Louisa wore cream and peach like the colors in the room, a fall of soft lace at the neckline of her bodice. Red ringlets of hair straggled against her throat, making him want to lift them and lick the soft skin beneath.
    “So kind of you to call, dearest Lloyd,” Eleanor said. She walked past Louisa, who stood unmoving, and reached out for him.
    Eleanor took Fellows’ hands,
...rose on her tiptoes, and kissed his cheek. The Mackenzie women were impulsively affectionate, and Fellows had learned to tolerate them. Cameron advised him to take it like a man, though Hart seemed to understand Fellows’ discomfiture.
    Louisa was in no way inclined to come forward and join the welcoming kisses. She barely gave Fellows a civil nod.
    “Sit down and have coffee,” Eleanor said, still holding his hands.

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