The West of England Woollen Industry Under Protection And Under Free Trade

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The West of England Woollen Industry Under Protection And Under Free Trade
Dorothy M Hunter
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He replied : we pay in corn; in corn, I said, but the ports are shut; we cannot enter a single bushel for home consumption. . . . But if you cannot pay in money, cannot you send us something else? Can you send us linen yarn, which we could use? No, he replied, our warehouses are blocked up, full of corn, and we have nothing else to offer; though we are much in want of goods. I then said, we are very sorry to refuse such an offer at this time, for our weavers are not fully em'ployed; but refuse we must, for we can do nothing with corn. However, as we have gone so far, would you please to tell us at what price you would charge it? He then produced his memorandum of goods wanted, and written instructions, and showed that he was authorised to offer the best Baltic wheat, free at Hull, for 30s. 6d. The quarter; the average price at this time in England was 64s. " In this instance the manufacturer lost a good order, and his weavers were left to starve — the result of Protection.
Mr. Hickson further quotes a German from Liibeck, who, in September, 1838, writes: "If 3^our Corn Laws continue, it may be taken for granted that in ten or fifteen years there will be very little demand for English manufacture on the Continent.

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