The Whirlwind

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The charm of the one, the muscular beauty of the other? The Grand Duke has hired her as a spy I I feel sure of it. That is the reason she is stay- ing in Petersburg. That is the reason she was by the Oranienbaum Canal. I do not fear her although I know how dangerous she is. When I looked into her eyes, I felt I was the power that some day would pass over and crush her. I feel that no misfortune can touch me. All the time I was hunting that day, Nicholas Murievich, I heard ringing in my heart a bell, so loudly it seemed to me the world must hear it, what Count Bes- tushev said, " You must kill the Grand Duke! " I did not feel surprise or grief, or any emotion, except a wish that the bell would stop ringing. At the same time I knew that nothing could stop it.
Taken all in all that was an eventful day. Hear what happened next! That night Count Poniatovsky came down in the disguise of a coiffeur to make merry for an hour. We have had fun out of this piece of nonsense. He comes through the rear of the palace like a servant.

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