The Widow: Directed to the Widow's God

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The Widow: Directed to the Widow's God
James, John Angell, 1785-1859
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Time is short. Solemn expression! The death of the worldling's joy; but the solace of the christian's sorrows. Widow, you cannot weep long, even though you go weeping to your grave. The days of your mourning are numbered, and must end soon. The vale of tears is not interminable. Yoi are passing through it; and will soon pass out of it.
Be patient, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
Eternity is at hand, through the everlasting ages of which you will weep no more, for God shall wipe away all te
...ars from the eyes of his people. In hell sinners weep for ever ; in heaven saints never weep.
9. And then what felicity awaits you on that blessed shore, on which your departed husband stands looking back wonderingly on the dark waters of the river he has passed, and beckoning you away d by Google 70 CONSOLATION.
to the realms of immortality. You will soon follow to the regions of which it is said, " there will be wo more death." Heaven is a world of life, eternal life, never to be interrupted by the entrance, or even the fear of death; and this is before you.

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The Widow: Directed to the Widow's God
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