The Winter Wife

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You’re exhausted.”She let him take her hand and raise her to her feet.
Who would have thought so much touching was involved when they agreed to share this room? But she was in too much of a daze to protest as he led her to the small table and slid a filled plate before her.She was so tired that it hardly registered that Kinvarra acted the perfect companion.
When she couldn’t eat much of the hearty but simple fare, he summoned the maids to clear the room.
Without her having to ask, he granted her
... privacy to prepare for bed.
Although she was too weary to do much more than a quick cat wash.
When Kinvarra returned from the corridor, she was already in bed, still wearing her clothes.What happened now? Surely after all this time, he wouldn’t demand his marital rights, whatever frail accord they’d established. Still, apprehension tightened her stomach and she clutched the sheets to her chest like a nervous virgin.He glanced across at her, black eyes enigmatic in the candlelight. Inevitably the moment reminded her of their wedding night.

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