The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation

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What is Man that thou art mindful of him ^ and the Son of Man that thou vi- Jitef him ? For thou haji made him a little lower than the Angels^ and haJi crowned him with Glory and Honour^ &c.
But it may be objedledj that God Almighty- was not fo felfilh and defirous of Glory, as to, make the World, and all the Creatures therein, only for his own Honour, and to be praifed by Man. To affert this, wxre, in Des Cartes' s> Opi- nion, an abfurd and childifh Thing, and a re- fembling of God to a proud
...Man. It is more worthy the Deity, to attribute the Creation of the World, to the Exundation and Overflow- ing of his tranfcendent and infinite Goodnefs, which is of its own Nature, and in the very Notion of it, moft free, difFufive, and commu- nicative.
To Parti. In //^^ Cre ation. 183 To this I {hall anfwer in two Words ; Firft, The Teftimony of Scripture makes God in all his Ad:ions to intend and defign his own Glory mainly, Prov, xvi. 4. God made all Tubings for himfelf. How ! for himfelf ? He hath no Need of them : He hath no Ufe of them.

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