The Woman Question in Europe a Series of Original Essays

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The Woman Question in Europe a Series of Original Essays
Theodore Stanton
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, dates only from 1856, when girls' schools were attacked with special fury. Napoleon I. Had created at Milan, the capital of his kingdom of Italy, a girls' college. The Austrian government, which succeeded that of France, went further. From 1822 to 1830 it organized fourteen intermediate and one thousand and forty-four primary girls' schools. These figures will, with good reason, seem very insignificant in the United States, but in Italy they were so exceptional, that Austria may boast of been the first to take an interest in the instruction of her female subjects, — an interest which contrasted sadly with the shameful disregard of the Italian princes. Little disposed to follow the example of Austria, the Sardinian government could not shut its eyes to the con- ITAL Y. 3 2 S duct of France, which did not inspire the same repugnance as the Germanic nation. Beginning under Louis Philippe with the reform of primary instruction for boys, and com- ing down into the Second Empire with the same thing for girls, France exercised an immense influence on the educational problem in Italy ; for during that period, it must be borne in mind, France was the oracle of the Latin nations.

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