Through Central Asia : With a Map And Appendix On the Diplomacy And Delimitation of the Russo-Afghan Frontier

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Delmar Morgan, of a so-called "Tibetan cow" (which I is a cross- breed), introduced by the Russians into Turkistan.
The yaks pasture in the coldest parts of Tibet and the eastern portion of Bokhara upon short herbage, peculiar to mountain tops and bleak plains. It remains, therefore, to be seen whether the animal will thrive in the lowlands. During our stay in Bokhara we drank excellent milk, and Yakoob, finding out my weakness for cream, not only kept us constantly supplied with it fo
...r our tea, but made the remainder into butter.
In our wanderings in the khanate thus far, we had SUNDHIES CONCERNING BOKHARA. 393 met with Tajiks, Persians, Jews, Hindus, Arabs, and Uzbegs. The last were comparatively new to us, for in Turkistan they comprise only 6 per cent, of the entire population. In Bokhara they form the ruling race. The Khan of Khiva and the Emir of Bokhara are both descended from the Min section of the Uzbegs.
The Uzbegs have, however, lost their political and tribal importance.

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