Toy Dogs And Their Ancestors, Including the History And Mangament of Toy Spaniels, Pekingese, Japanese And Pomeranians

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The book Toy Dogs And Their Ancestors, Including the History And Mangament of Toy Spaniels, Pekingese, Japanese And Pomeranians was written by author Here you can read free online of Toy Dogs And Their Ancestors, Including the History And Mangament of Toy Spaniels, Pekingese, Japanese And Pomeranians book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Toy Dogs And Their Ancestors, Including the History And Mangament of Toy Spaniels, Pekingese, Japanese And Pomeranians a good or bad book?
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The nose should be exceedingly short, nostrils not exaggeratedly broad, Imt wide open. The noses, of dogs of whatever colour, should ini'ariably be black. The nose should be turned up between the eyes.
1lie ears should be small, V shaped, wide apart, set high on the head, and carried pricked forward and not. of course, erect. They should be liberally feathered with streamers of long" hair. The body should be very com- pact and squarely built, a short back, perfectly level and flat ; very cobby,
... the body and legs should form a sf|uare, as in the Toy Spaniel, the length of the body equalling its height. At the same time, the dog must not be clumsy, but the essence of grace. The bones should be very fine and slender, and the feet small and harelike and feathered at the toes in a point. The tail should be set on a level with the back and carried twisted over it in a huge plume, spreading on the back and becoming merged in the body feather, which should be extraor- dinarily long and profuse.

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