Uncovering You 11: the Lost Chapter

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I only wrote it after seeing the feedback following the conclusion of Uncovering You 10: The Finale.
  The consensus was obvious: you pretty much hated it.
  That's not where I wanted to leave the story. I thought the conclusion was in line with the very first book. From the prologue, at the start of Uncovering You 1: The Contract, we knew that Jeremy and Lilly weren't going to have a perfect ever-after. I hinted at it throughout the rest of the series and thought I prepared you for it.
...ntly, I did not. The way I left things pissed some of you off.
  Scratch that. It pissed nearly all of you off. And that's the damn last thing I want to do.
  I left the ending vague and ambiguous on purpose: I wanted you to imagine if Lilly would die or live. Does Lilly wake, or does she not? Does the eye flutter mean anything, or is it simply a symbol of false hope?
  If you wanted the HEA, she awoke. If you didn’t? She never rose.
  I thought it was all devilishly clever. In reality, it was devilishly moronic.

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