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Matthew cursed each second that Grace remained on the estate and in danger, even though anticipating her departure was like bathing in acid.
    His determination to spirit her away never wavered. He only had to recall Filey’s hulking body jammed between her bare legs and the sickening thud of the brute’s fists on her flesh. Each moment she spent as Lord John’s captive, she was at risk.
    Filey slunk about, bruised, limping, sulking, sporting an increasingly filthy bandage on his arm where Wol
...fram’s teeth had broken the skin. He seemed cowed, but Matthew didn’t fool himself that the threat had passed.
    Grace’s bruises had almost gone and her grazes weren’t severe enough to scar. Little other evidence remained of the frightened, tearful woman whose injuries he’d tended. The only long-term effects he noted were a new desperation in her passion and a reluctance to stray far from his side.
    With every day, he loved her more.

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