Up Close And Personal

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The book Up Close And Personal was written by author Here you can read free online of Up Close And Personal book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Up Close And Personal a good or bad book?
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Deirdre raced ahead of them, her claws clattering on the gleaming oak floorboards and sliding every time she hit one of the colorful rugs scattered about.
    The walls were painted a soft blue and dotted with paintings—family portraits, mainly. While Ronan strode through the house, searching for who, she didn’t know, Laura took a moment to study the faces glaring down at her.
    One man in particular looked as if he wanted to chew his way through the painting and clamber back into the world to
... rule it. The woman at his side, though lovely, looked no happier to be trapped in her canvas.
    “My parents,” Ronan told her, coming up behind her so quietly she hadn’t heard his approach. Startled, and feeling a little guilty for what she’d been thinking, she turned to look at him. She could see the resemblance, she noted, though she’d never seen real coldness in his expression. Until now.
    “Where are they now?”

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