Welfare Motels a Waste of Federal Funds Harmful to Homeless Families Hearin

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Welfare Motels a Waste of Federal Funds Harmful to Homeless Families Hearin
Housing United States Congress House Committee On Gover
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I know Ms. Bane says that is not possible with HHS moneys, yet the reality is if you are paying that kind of money, $200 million a year we are putting out, is it not possible to begin to look at how we reshape what we already have? I don't know how we find the answer.
Mr. Cuomo. Obviously, at the time we had the conversation that you were referring to I was not at that time a member of the ad- ministration and therefore was freer of tongue and ear.
On the general point of public housing and mov
...ing from public housing it happens to be a priority of Secretary Cisneros. We are expanding the Moving to Opportunities Program that you are aware of. Also the concept of restoring the transitional nature of public housing where public housing was not supposed to be per- manent lifetime housing, but a housing stock that served people for an intermediate period, who needed a period of assistance and then moved on to homeownership opportunity.
That is a problem the Secretary is working on, as well as the As- sistant Secretary.

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