Western Poultry book

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Could there be any danger from feeding too much ground shell? Should gravel be furnished to chickens to pick from? D. F.
Answer Boiled liver and lungs chopped fine are excellent for fowls. I prefer them to prepared meat scraps. They must be fed while fresh, as spoiled meat may poison the fowls. Clam shells cannot take the place of cut bone. Crushed oyster and clam shells contain lime, which is very good for making egg shell. There is no danger of the hens eating too m. Uch of this. Gravel or gr
...it should always be furnished to chickens.
186 MRS. BASLEY'S WESTERN POULTRY BOOK ANIMAL FOOD FOR FOWLS Kindly in- form me as to the difference, if any, be- tween beef scraps, beef meal, meat meal and blood meal. Which is considered the best to feed laying hens and grow- ing chickens? I have fed beef scraps for nearly a year and had good results from it; at least I think I have. If some of the others are better, I would like to know what one it is. G. K. W.
Answer Beef scraps, beef meal and meat meal are the same, only the latter is ground finer than the former.

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